What to Bring on a Skiing Trip? (Full Packing List)

Skier getting ready at car

Beginners aren’t just the only ones asking what to bring on a skiing trip. Seasoned skiers are often asking too. Don’t worry, our comprehensive list will cover everything you need to bring on a skiing trip and how to pack as well. We are sure you didn’t even think of a few of these items. Give them a read and you’ll have an “ah ha!” moment.

It isn’t just as simple as putting your skis in the car and heading out the door. Read on to see what you should bring on your next ski trip.

What to Bring on a Skiing Trip Depends Where You Will Ski

Before thinking of the things you need to pack, it helps to know where you are going. Packing for a trip in deep Utah powder isn’t the same as packing for some groomed trails up in New York. Will you be skiing at night when it gets icy or just riding during the day?

Think about the snow conditions and weather as they will all play a part in the type of skis you will want to bring, as well as the type and amount of clothing to bring.

Think About How Long Your Ski Trip Will Be

A lot of people pack for the weekend skiing trip or getaway. If you are luckier then maybe you are going for a week to a big mountain. Taking into account the duration of the trip will help in packing food, drinks and dry clothes.

First Things to Pack for a Ski trip

Now that your mind has opened up a bit into your trip, we’re going to jump into the first items you should start to lay out to bring on your skiing trip.

Ski Clothing

As we mentioned the amount of clothes depends on how long your skiing trip will be. The amount also depends on the weather. For a super cold trip, you’ll want base layers, core layers and outer layers. Outer layers can be ski bibs, pants and jackets. Don’t forget your accessories like goggles, socks, boots, bandanas, gloves, hats and helmets.

North Face Ski Jacket

Some people may even take impact clothing, crash pants or avalanche clothing.

Aside from your ski clothing, make sure you have enough warm clothes to hang around any lodges, bars, the trip there or just in the rooms.

If there is a pool or hot tub, don’t forget the bathing suit.

Next Things to Bring on a Skiing Trip – The Gear

Once all the clothes are sorted. Layout your skis and boots if you didn’t lay out your boots with the clothes. Grab your poles while you are thinking about them too.

Start to pile up the gear near the door. Some people like to ski with a backpack. If that is you, load it up at the house.

Items to Not Forget

Those are the main items to bring on a skiing trip, although there are some other ones to check off too. Here are some of the things to at least consider bringing on a skiing trip.

While you might not need everything, it should give you a good idea of what to bring on a skiing trip.

How to Pack for A Ski Trip

Lady with rolling luggage bag.
Go with the suitcase or a duffle bag for clothes.

Packing the clothes first is the way to go and you have a couple of options to pack them. We like to go with a duffel bag but some people prefer the rolling suitcase. Either one will get the job done.

Next, we usually put our skis and boards into rolling gear bags. It doesn’t matter if it is a weekend trip or flying trip, gear bags prevent any unnecessary damage to the skis and boards.

The only time we skip the gear bags is if the skis and boards are going on a roof rack or trailer hitch for the journey.

Should I Just Rent Skis?

Not only can you rent skis but you can even rent all your ski clothes. You don’t have to fly or drive with it to the resort.  While there is nothing like using your own skis and gear, just realize that you don’t have to.

You can always rent skis at the resort. If you want something a bit more performance-based or the latest model then you can even upgrade to demo skis.

One good option is KitLender. They mail all the clothing right to your destination. Once your vacation is done, just drop it back in the mail at the resort and you will be all set.

Final Thoughts on What to Bring on a Skiing Trip

Knowing what to bring on a skiing trip will not only save you time but also from packing unnecessary things. If you follow the list above, you should have everything you need for a good week or weekend on the slopes. Print it out, make some edits and refer back to it. Better yet, bookmark it or save a screenshot in your phone.

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