Getting snowboard gear used might be looked down upon by some people but some of the best deals are to be had with used snowboard gear. You can get something just a few years old that was once top of the line. Where to buy used snowboard gear is one of the secrets of finding good deals on snowboard gear. Sharpen up the edges and you’ll be ready to shred the mountains.
You can often get quality used snowboard gear (bindings and board) for less than the cost of a brand new snowboard alone. If that isn’t enticing then what is? We will tell you where to look for used snowboard gear, what you need to look for and which gear to get.
3 Reason Why to Buy Used Snowboard Gear
1) You Are New to Snowboarding
For a lot of new snowboarders, it doesn’t even make sense to buy gear before you have went snowboarding a few times. After you have been a few times, it might already be mid season. If you have already made it to mid season then your best bet is to buy used gear and save some cash or wait for the season year end sales.
2) It’s Not Your First Snowboard
Already have one good snowboard set up? Maybe your first set up is a all mountain board. Then it makes sense to buy a used park board. On the flip, maybe all you do is ride park. For $200 or less you can have an all mountain set up.
Remember there is a right tool for the right job. There is a time when multiple boards will come in handy. Get a used snowboard for a back up and you’ll be ready for anything the mountain throws at you.
3) You are Looking for a Deal
Sometimes there are sales on new snowboard gear but you’ll never get a deal on new gear like you do in used snowboard gear. You’ll also never meet the price point of used snowboard gear with new snowboard gear.
Knowing you can find a deal with used snowboard gear, you just need to be patient and find the board for you.
What to Look for When Buying Used Snowboard Gear
There are a few things to look for when buying used snowboard gear. First, start by knowing your snowboard board size and binding size.
Knowing your snowboard size, you can immediately eliminate the used snowboards that won’t fit you. Next, take a quick google search of the snowboard that is for sale. Most people have a smartphone these days and it only takes a few minutes to do a bit of due diligence.
Compare the original price to the price that is being asked now and take into account how old the board has been on the market. See if there are any reviews for the board. There should be if it had been out for a while. Also, make sure that the used snowboard is a well-known brand that is still in business.
Finally, check for any damage by inspecting the bottom of the board for dents. Check the side of the boards for beat-in edges and lastly give the bindings a shake for any rattling.
Usually rattling is minor and a sign of a tune-up or tightening needed but it is good to know pre-purchase. You can try to haggle the price a bit if there are issues with the board.
How Much Does Used Snowboard Gear Cost
Did you know that used snowboards can be as much as 50 to 75 percent off the original price when they came out? This means you can get a snowboard and bindings for less than the cost of a snowboard itself.
Just like cars, snowboards depreciate over the years. Each year, new snowboard and binding models are released. While the technological changes may be small, new graphics are another attraction that keeps people buying new snowboards.
Just know you can save a “mountain” of cash by going with a used snowboard.
Where To Buy Used Snowboard Gear
1) Facebook Marketplace
One of the easiest places to find used snowboard gear near you is using Facebook Marketplace. It is now known as Meta but non the less, the marketplace often has some snowboard deals floating around.
You can find used boards, bindings and clothes all on the marketplace.

2) Pawn Shops
Pawnshops almost always have used snowboard gear. You’ll be surprised what you can find there. Most people think of car stereos, instruments and jewelry when they think of pawnshops. It is a great place that is often flexible on price with its snowboards.
Check out a few if they are near you and you might be able to score an one of a kind deal.
3) Resort Sales
Pre-season and post-season, resorts can have some killer deals. Not only can you find used snowboard gear at resort swaps but often it is not just the board and bindings. You can also find boots, clothes and bags.
Keep an eye on your local ski resorts for when they announce their sales. Swoop in and grab a used snowboard to the next season.
4) Ebay
Ebay is great because you can shop online in the comfort of your own home for used snowboard gear. One tip is to throw on the local filter and see the used gear near you. Using Ebay really broadens your market to used snowboard gear.
Also don’t think you can’t haggle for a deal, send a message to the seller and see if you can get that board you are eyeing for a bit cheaper.

5) Craigslist
One of our favorite places to find used snowboarding gear is on Craigslist. You can see the quality of the board before you buy it. It is also a great place to find deals on cheap snowboard clothing and even roof racks.
Sometimes the inventory may be thin but if you keep your eye or an alert on, something should come up that is worth a look.

Bonus: Play it Again Sports
If you haven’t heard of the store, Play it Again Sports then today you are learning something new. They sell all types of used sporting equipment but it is one place to look for used snowboarding gear. You can shop online or visit the stores in person. Play it Again Sports often has a wide selection of combo used snowboards. This means the board and binding are all set up and ready to go.
The Best Time to Shop for Used Snowboard Gear
So when is the best time to shop for used snowboard gear? April and May are often the best months. Sure, the pre-season deals are good but the post-season deals are even better. Sometimes people are upgrading their boards every year. You’ll see a lot of the used boards hit the markets in April or May because people don’t want to store them or wait until next season. They also might be getting out of the sport.
Key Takeaway: Look for used snowboarding gear in the months of April and May after the season ends.
Final Thoughts on Where to Find Used Snowboard Gear
Finding used snowboarding gear can not only be fun but a great way to get a first or second board for cheap. You can grab that second jacket or set of boots too. All for a fraction of when the gear comes out.
Do your research, be patient and know what you are looking for. If you are new get help from a friend or read a bit on sizing before pulling the trigger.